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2020-21 IHSA Physical Information

June 23, 2020

Dear parents/guardians:

The Orthopaedic Center of Southern Illinois has typically orchestrated a day with Waltonville Schools in April to provide a cheap and easy way to get a sports physical AND create a fundraiser for your child’s sport.  Unfortunately, we had to cancel this year due to Covid-19.  We are now offering a new opportunity that continues our commitment to our student-athletes and sports programs at Waltonville Community Unit Number 1. 

During the months of June, July, and August you will be able to make an appointment at the Orthopaedic Center in Mt. Vernon for a cost of $10.  The $10 for your students physical will then be donated back to the sports program that he/she participates in.  Please specify which program they participate in on the attached form.  To make an appointment please call 618-242-3778 (option 3).

If you are unable to attend the physical with your child, the attached permission slip must be signed by the student’s parent/guardian and the HISTORY portion of the PPE (pre-participation physical evaluation) must also be completed and signed by the parent/guardian.  If you don’t have access to a printer, extra forms are available when you bring your student-athlete to the appointment. 

OCSI will NOT bewriting any prescriptions, updating immunizations, or treating any specific medical problems.  This appointment will strictly be a screening for participation in sports.  It is state law that that any student who wishses to participate in a school sponsored athletic team or squad must first have a current physical within 365 days of the first day of the activity. 


  1. Call and make a sports physical appointment at OCSI: (618) 242-3778 Option 3
  2. Print and fill out permission form and PPE form if not attending the appointment with student
  3. Pay $10 (check or cash) and designate which program receives the donation.

This offer is for current Waltonville Students. Please click the link below for a copy of the form.

IHSA Physcial Form

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